Hello World

Hey Everyone!

So, this is my first blog on this site & I am super excited to embark on this journey. Brief introduction about me, I am currently a full-time software development engineer (SDE) at Setu (more details in the About section). Before this, I was a mobile application developer working extensively in Flutter and Android. Going back further, I developed games and AR/VR apps on Unity for fun. So it seems like I have worked on numerous domains to a reasonable degree. Thankfully my college and later on COVID gave me enough time to explore and pursue things I liked in the tech world. But things have changed significantly. With a full-time job, it's tough to keep up. Everything moves fast in tech. To keep up, you have to allocate time consciously. On top of it, there is the thought of doing just one thing the entire day. With no purpose or motivation to do so, I moved on to other things in life, stuff not related to tech per se. (subtle hints of me having a life beyond my monitor :P)

Gradually I realized that I was lagging on things I was proficient at - primarily Flutter and Android. And I love mobile applications development to my core. Not being able to allocate time for it was heartbreaking. There was also this sense of guilt since I have always consumed content instead of creating it. I have always followed people online rather than digging deep into concepts and spreading awareness. I honestly feel that now I am at a stage in life where I can comprehend and mutate the most involved ideas into something manageable, something that I could have understood when I was starting. Honestly, it is time to give back to the community. It's time to create rather than consume.

So here I am, my humble beginning as a content creator. The purpose of this blog is to keep me motivated to explore - while not questioning myself about it - and to help others who are starting on their computer science journey. Since I am not just tech I'll be posting generic TIL-type blogs, giving my 2 cents on things I would like to talk about. As I said, this is my aloha to the world - my digital presence - and I want to make something out of it.

Summarizing all this, I would keep posting blogs (meaningful or not) and start a mailing list once I feel I have enough content to share and enough people to cater honestly. For now, all I ask of my readers is to share this content with their peers if they find this valuable. Footfall is all I ask for xD

See you in the next one!

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